• All children can be weighed and measured using appropriate equipment at least annually and when clinically indicated, at the health care setting in which they are seen.
  • Appropriate growth charts are available at patient contact, including specialist charts for specific conditions: for example Down Syndrome, achondroplasia, cerebral palsy.
  • The Trust has a policy that it is mandatory for all children to have their growth measured regularly and when clinically indicated. There should be specific provision for vulnerable groups including disabled children, looked after children and those with neurodevelopmental diversity.
  • The Trust/ health board policy sets out the process for routine sharing of growth information between health providers involved in a child’s care.
  • All children for whom medicines are prescribed or surgery is to be undertaken have a recent weight recorded.
  • Specific training is available for all nursing, medical and AHP staff on standard growth measurement, and recording for children, and all staff working at the site should be competent in these skills.
  • There is specific provision for vulnerable groups including disabled children, looked after children and those with neurodevelopmental diversity, and at each site there are always professionals who are trained with:
    • Knowledge, skills, resource and equipment to be able to weigh children who are dependant on wheelchair mobility and hoisting for transfers, and measure height/length in children who are unable to stand independently, or may have joint contractures.
    • Knowledge, skills and resource to weigh and measure children who are anxious, demonstrate behaviour that challenges, or where growth monitoring requires sensitivity.
  • There is a feeding clinic or virtual feeding team including appropriate professionals (dietician, OT, paediatrician, SLT) available for all children and young people where there are concerns about nutrition, including specific provision for vulnerable groups including disabled children, looked after children and those with neurodevelopmental diversity.
  • There is a QI/ audit process within the trust/health board to monitor compliance with the above statements and there are clear plans for Trust to progress to Silver and Gold accreditation.
British Academy of Childhood Disability is registered in England and Wales under charity number 1177868
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