BACD is calling for applications to two trustee roles as follows:
The main role of the Vice-Chair is to assist the Chair and to lead on advocacy:
- Assist and support the Chair where necessary in conducting the business of the Executive Committee and to maintain close contact with Executive Committee members to ensure completion of follow-up work between meetings.
- Help prepare and/or co-ordinate responses to policy consultation documents (e.g. Government green papers, proposed new legislation, guidelines or policy documents of related disciplines.)
- Leads the Academy’s advocacy work.
Honorary Treasurer
The main role of the Treasurer is to maintain an overview of the Academy’s financial status and to ensure that proper financial records and procedures are maintained:
- The preparation and presentation of the financial statements to the board in conjunction with the BACD Administrator
- Ensuring that appropriate accounting procedures and controls are in place and ensure that the accounts are prepared in the form required by the relevant statutory bodies, are audited in accordance with the regulations, and that any recommendations are acted on
- Make a formal presentation of the accounts at the Academy’s AGM as required by the legislation
If you are interested in either role, or would like to have a discussion with a current trustee, please email [email protected] in the first instance.
BACD has been successfully running a number of virtual educational meetings over the last few years, such as the webinar sessions on behalf of The Neurodisability Community (TNC) and the BACD online regional meetings.
- The TNC webinars were originally devised by trainees for trainees to provide education and training around the grid competences. TNC has seen its membership evolve to include all professionals working with disabled children and young people. Going forwards we envision TNC sessions will continue to focus on training competences through ‘how to’ guides aimed primarily at trainee paediatricians, but also to develop a series of ‘top tips’ which will be relevant to a wider audience. TNC sessions are 1 hour, with a presentation typically lasting 40 minutes, and the remaining time for Q&A.
- Our online regional meetings have become very popular and are generally a morning or afternoon study half day comprising of 3-4 talks around a theme. The aim of these meetings is to provide more in-depth learning than a short webinar can offer.
Why have we create an education sub-group?
In order to help make the organisation of these more sustainable and less reliant on just one or two volunteers, we are setting up an educational sub-group and are keen for members to help with this to ensure content is clinically useful and important topics are covered, particularly, for example, if there are topics that are often overlooked. Sub-group members can choose to focus on just one aspect, e.g. TNC sessions, or all activities of the group.
Who should apply to join the education sub-group?
As a multi-disciplinary organisation we are looking for representation from all aspects of the MDT to ensure that the education we provide is relevant to all members. We are particularly keen that as the primary audience, trainees are involved in TNC to ensure that topics chosen are clinically relevant to their training. Time commitment will not be excessive: we are provisionally planning that there will be one monthly TNC session and three or four regional meetings per year, depending on the scheduling of other events and conferences, and would expect to have a brief planning meeting (remotely) every three/four months.
If you are interested in joining the education sub-group, please contact [email protected]