Currently, trainees complete 4 years of core run through paediatric training (ST1-4) and then apply centrally for GRID training in paediatric neurodisability, which encompasses ST5-7).
Those successfully completing GRID training will receive a Certificate of Completion of Training (CCT) in paediatrics and a sub-specialty entry onto the GMC register in paediatric neurodisability.
Most trainees apply for grid at ST4 level (applications typically open in September/October) with a view to entering grid training at ST5 the following year. It is possible to have relevant neurodisability training prior to GRID entry approved and enter at a later stage in training, but trainees must be able to demonstrate that pre-grid training has been equivalent and formal CSAC approval is required - please see RCPCH website for further information.
Neurodisability training time is 36 months WTE. This usually consists of 24 months WTE neurodisability, which also includes approximately 3 months WTE of CAMHS, plus 12 months WTE of paediatric neurology. How these placements are run varies across the different deaneries. It is possible to competency progress if appropriate, with a minimum training time in total of 24 months WTE; this would need to be discussed at ARCP and progression evidenced.
If you are interested in applying to paediatric neurodisability grid training, please see the careers information sheets for medical students/foundation doctors and paediatric trainees ST1-4 for ideas of ways to get involved in neurodisability and practical ways to gain relevant experience at different stages of your training, prior to the GRID application process.